
Monday, January 28, 2013

Because It Finally Snowed in Chicago!

Over the weekend, we got our first official snow in Chicago! 
By official, I mean it actually stuck to the ground this time. It might be weird to be happy about snow, but I love it. After the first inch was down, I had a few errands to run.

Here is what I wore for our first snow day:
skinny jeans jewelry winter white
Blazer: Piperlime, Top: Loft, Denim: Old Navy, Ring: C/O Willow House Jewelry, Necklace: Ax + Apple (similar), Stackable Rings: Shop Jules, Bag: JC Penny, Boots: C/O Just Fab

If you follow me on my other blog, Stilettos and Diaper Bags, you know I am trying something called a 30/60 challenge.
The blazer and turtleneck are two of my pieces currently in high rotation.

What do you think? Love wearing white in the winter like I do?

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  1. it's not weird at all! even though it wasn't my first time seeing snow, but every time it's snowing i always get excited. too excited like it was my first so hahaha... snow brightened up my day during winter :P wish i could take an outfit photos like you during the snowy days :)

  2. Love your stripe tops :)

    xoxo, Mich

    Mind to visit my blog? click here

  3. my white blazer is probably my most used! love the wintry photos!!

  4. love this look on you...i love your blog..its inspiring, im a mom of of 2 too and a savy for a new follower
