
Friday, August 30, 2013

Peaked My Pinterest: Braid Wrapped Chignon

This is hands down the easiest hair style I have ever recreated from Pinterest. When I saw this pin, I immediately fell in love but had no idea it would quickly become my go-to for days I'm in a hurry!
Here is the pin that peaked my Pinterest:
 photo 19a2c8190856d3ef3890f02e5f86445d_zps5c4538a7.jpg
This was my first ever attempt at this style. I had just showered and had 20 minutes to get out the door (and yes, my hair was still wet!). I did a 5 minute blow dry, which really means my hair was still super damp, and using the five steps above I created this hair in 7 minutes flat.
I am in LOVE!
 photo 798bd607-14f2-42b7-afd4-ed844510b27c_zpseeba0356.jpg
Helpful hints: Use a few bobby pins to secure each side after you tuck the end into the top. Also, use 1 bobby pin on each side to hold braids in place.
What do you think?


  1. Wow! It looks fantastic! I still feel like my hair needs so extra growing before I can pull something like that off, but wow, I'm in love with that hairdo!

    1. it's perfect for short and longer hair. Try it! ;)

  2. This hairdo looks super pretty, def going to try it!
    Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog :-)
