
Monday, July 20, 2015

Book Chat: The Girl on the Train

For those of you who don't know this about me, I am a total binge reader. I love books. I love reading, but when I start a new book or series I get super engrossed in it and can't get back to "normal life" until I'm done. Which is why I don't get a lot of sleep because the only me-time there is in any given day is after the kids go to bed or before they wake up in the morning. If only there were more hours in the day, right?! Ah, the life of a stay-at-home mommy who writes for two blogs!

I made a summer reading list back in May and The Girl on the Train is the third book I get to cross off it. I already read Still Alice & Grey. Both worth reading BTW.

OK, this book was awesome! I flew through it in three days and I would have read it faster if I had more time. Every second I was not reading it, I was thinking about what my theories were and when I could carve out more time to read again. I'll probably read it one more time to see if I missed anything, but I totally called the ending so I think I was on it. Does anyone else ever read and reread books that they love? I actually do that quite often. Repeat offender for sure. 

This book is different from anything I've read in the past. It is a story told from three different women's perspectives who's lives are all intertwined in a murder mystery. It was so interesting the way it was written to jump from inside one person's head, then the next chapter we are reading as another person. The voice of the book is mainly from Rachel, but we get to read as Anna and Megan too. I seriously loved it once I figured out to look at the header (to see who I'm reading as) at the start of each chapter. In all honesty that did trip me up at first because I wasn't expecting it. 

I found it to be well written, suspenseful, and I can see why everyone who I told I was reading it had the same reaction: "I love that book! You have to tell me what you think when you are done." I don't want to spoil the book for anyone, so we can book chat in the comments section below. All I can say, is that I would recommend this book to anyone looking to add a great book to their summer reading list. This book really gets you thinking about both the harms of addiction and how you never really know someone. Even the people you think you dislike/hate, you may have more in common with them then you think. 

Have you read the Girl on the Train? Let's chat below and really get into the book! 

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