
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Dressing for Cardio

Let's be honest, it's already a challenge to find time for a daily workout and for me, it's even worse if you're doing it in sweats and an oversized t-shirt. Like any activity, we're more confident and motivated if we feel good about ourselves and the same thing applies to exercising. If I'm busting my ass running in the summer heat, I should at least look semi-cute, not frumpy...agreed?

With that said, I've never been a fan of spending a million dollars on workout clothes because we're hot mess after a good sweat session anyway...Luckily, there are some adorable workout lines out now that keep things affordable and attractive. 

I love these high-rise knockout tights from Victoria's Secret...unlike some other pants I have, the tight fabric makes them stay put (which is great for running!) yet also keeps you cool and dry when you're sweating like no tomorrow (I'm looking at you, Soulcycle!)

I'm also obsessed with all the neon colors and this Old Navy tank is actually blinding in real life which is perfect...the brighter the better. I hate working out in heavy material so I scooped this shirt up the minute I saw it because it's so light, it's literally like wearing nothing...except it's acceptable in public ;) 

Tank: Old Navy (similar) | Sports Bra: Old Navy | Pants: Victoria's Secret | Shoes: Asics (similar)
Sunnies: Old Navy | Bottle: Hydroflask (stays cold LITERALLY all day!) | Workout playlist: Spotify (.99 for 3 months!)

What are your favorite workout brands? 

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