
Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Hot Dog!

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Weekends at the lake house are hands-down my favorite weekends. Myself and Kaitlyn tend to head to the pier just as the sun begins to set and do photo shoots as these "magic hour" photos are always our favorites. Having said that, most nights at the lake house are not that glamorous. Cozy wear is a must, so I decided to show an outfit that is perfect for a night on the pier, on the boat, or just around the house!

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I picked up this sweater before the July 4th weekend and it was love at first sight. It is super cozy and warm plus darn cute if I do say so myself. The price point was a bit above what I normally spend on sweats, but it's more like a sweater then a sweat shirt. I've already worn it three times in the summer so I can only imagine how many times this beauty will be worn during the fall and winter months ahead.

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Sweater: Wildfox // Shorts: Old Navy // Bag: Swap w/ Kaitlyn // Shoes: Target // Sunglasses: Ditto (use code SADB to get 1st month of designer sunglasses FREE!) // Bar Earrings: Nordstrom

No pier trip would be complete without soaking your toes in the water. Photo shoots and fashion aside, this pier is literally my zen place. Water, sun, nature, it's just such a happy place for me and my family!

What do you wear on summer nights? Where is your favorite place that just relaxes you? 

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