
Friday, September 25, 2015

Book Chat: Eight Hundred Grapes

"You have to grow, mold, squish about eight hundred grapes to get just one bottle of wine. If that isn't an argument to finish the bottle, I don't know what is"...

Did you guys know that? It's pretty amazing and makes me appreciate my Pinot Noir a "bunch" more ;) I learned this tidbit from 800 Grapes by Laura Dave. The story is just as the title sounds...light and refreshing, perfect for a crisp fall day. I actually finished this back in August (in under a day!) but I'm still thinking about it because we're embarking on harvest season (which has sadly been an uphill battle in northern Cali this year). But on a happier note, the book is going to be a feature film...I was so sad when the book ended because I enjoyed spending time with the characters so I tweeted the author, "I wish this was going to be a movie!"...and wish granted :)

 Now, a bit about the follows a woman named Georgia Ford, who is just two weeks away from her dream wedding when she sees her fiance walking down the street with another woman and a daughter he never told her about. Georgia runs off to her family’s vineyard in Sonoma California only to learn that life at home all isn't exactly in the best shape either...

While the plot line seems a little too rom-com on the surface, Laura Dave offers readers some great insight about human relationships along the way...when to forgive, when to start over, when to change your mind, and when to stand firm.explored that and even how the strongest relationships still need the hard work to keep them at their best. I found the backbone of the story to be inspiring and true to real life.

And I'll leave you with a quote from the book...

"Synchronization. Systems operating with all their parts in synchrony, said to be synchronous, or in sync. The interrelationship of things that might normally exist separately.

In physics: It’s called simultaneity. In music: rhythm.

In your life: epic failure."

What great books have you read lately? 

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