
Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Peanut Butter Oatmeal Energy Bites

Fun Fact: The average American consumes more than six pounds of peanuts and peanut butter products each year...along with that, the average child will eat 1,500 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches before he or she graduates high school! 

I never need any excuses to eat peanut butter...Ever since I was little, it's been a go-to for me whether it be on toast, fancying up a dessert or mixed in with my ice cream (chocolate pb, my favorite flavor...though I had white chocolate peanut butter cup here the other day and it kind of rocked my world)...More on that later.

Since I was little (and still to this day), my Dad has gone to bed each night with half of a peanut butter's just not a good day unless he has a taste of salty goodness. So needless to say, I am always looking for new (but healthy) ways to integrate pb into my diet...AND this month is the perfect time to celebrate my peanut addiction as National Peanut Day was just a few days ago...(by the way, when did every single food get its own day? I'm okay with it, great excuse to indulge ;)

So if you're a a PB lover like me, try this snack you can make in 10 minutes...My co-worker introduced me to them and I'm obsessed. They are perfect for breakfast or snacking at your desk.

You need

1 cup oats
⅓ cup honey
1 Tbsp. chia seeds
1 tsp vanilla
⅔ cup toasted shredded coconut
½ cup mini chocolate chips

*TIP: I put the oats in my food processor and gave it a few pulses...It makes the consistency a little easier to work with

Combine all ingredients in a large bowl
Roll and compress the mixture into 1 inch rounds and place on parchment paper
Refrigerate a few minutes until firm and then transfer to an air tight container
Refrigerate and enjoy for up to one week

*TIP: I use an ice cream scoop to mold the bites...helps to form the circle shape :)

What are your favorite peanut butter recipes? Do you have any healthy ones to share?

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