
Thursday, July 6, 2017

The Good Kind of Black & Blue

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By now you all know about my obsession with wearing the color blue. If you don't, now you know, I LOVE it! All shades of it, and truly any combination of it. What you may not know is that my second favorite color to pair blue with is black. When I was younger I always thought you can't pair brown with black and as far as black and blue were concerned, those were the color of bruises and not good fashion color selections. Well, rules were made to be broken and brown and black look beautiful together in my opinion (who started that rule anyway?), and so do black and blue! 

On this day I co-hosted Kaitlyn's baby shower and decided to wear this blue midi skirt I picked up back in early 2015. It's truly still one of my favorites and although the online shop I bought it at is long gone (anyone else miss Piperlime?), I will continue to love and wear it until it goes out of style. I decided to add a classic black tank, strappy black heels, and a maroon bag to dress up my pairing and also to give it an unexpected pop of color. In the end, I added a gorgeous statement necklace to take this look up a notch.

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Tank: TSF box Service // Skirt: Piperlime // Shoes: JustFab // Bag: E Street Denim // Necklace & Cuff: c/o Park Lane Jewelry // Ring: Vintage // Watch: Movado 
What is your favorite color combo? Do you ever pair black and blue together? 

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