
Friday, June 26, 2015

Blog of the Month

Our June blogger of the month is slightly out of the box from our regular selections - instead of spending time shooting her own outfits and lifestyle content, she dedicates her time to capturing the beauty of others. Whether it's portraits, weddings, recipes or her dog who wins the cutest ever award (just pretend you didn't hear that, Fitz), Cassandra's photography captures our eye on a daily basis so we felt compelled to further share her talent with the world.

Here is a taste of her beautiful work...clearly we had to start out with the pooch, he's too much!

Did you go to school to study photography? How did you get started?

I didn't, actually! It sort of just fell into my lap, if you will. I was living in Colorado back in 2010, and was feeling a little bored with my corporate job. I had always had an interest in photography, and was encouraged by my parents at a young age to keep playing around with it. So, being the impulsive person that I am ;) I went out and bought myself a nice DSLR and taught myself anything and everything about the subject. I even forced my friends to model for me so I could practice beyond landscapes.  Fast forward almost a year later - I quit my corporate job, moved back to Chicago, set up an LLC, registered for a Tax ID number and built myself a website. So crazy how life works out. 

What is your favorite and least favorite part of your job?

My least favorite part of my job is by far the nitty gritty of small business taxes (estimated quarterly taxes are just the pits), the pressure that us entrepreneurs put on ourselves to be perfect, and mastering the work/life balance. It's near impossible for me, and it's something I'm constantly working on. 

My favorite part is the flexibility. There is truly nothing like being able to create your own schedule. I always say that I will forever be grateful for the ability to have been able to take care of my dad the last 2 years of his life, and to have been able to be there with him for the week before he passed. Had I worked in corporate, I just don't know if I would have had that opportunity. It's not lost on me how lucky I am. Also - clients who turn into friends. It really sweetens the deal when that happens ;)

Any secret photography hacks you can share for us always aspiring to take better photos?

Follow your gut.  Photograph what YOU see, not what you think others want to see.  The only way you can stand apart from others and really make your photography something to look at, is if it's from your point of view.  Look for the beauty in everything. It's there. 

Who is the #1 person dead or alive you would love to photograph? Bucket list talk, here.

Ohhh! This question is hard! I really admire and love Olivia Wilde, so I may have to say her. She has such beautiful, unique features, and I'd LOVE to be able to pick her brain during our session. Such a smart, strong woman. Oh, and remember when I said that sometimes clients turn into friends...? Yeah, that would be the end goal ;) 

You’re definitely a #GIRLBOSS in our eyes…
Do you have any advice for future entrepreneurs?

What an honor. #girlboss has such a lovely ring to it! 

My advice for future entrepreneurs is to dive ALL in. There is never going to be a "perfect" moment to take this scary leap, but I promise you, even through the financial struggles, the "no thank you's" and the failures (because those will all present themselves) you are doing something really BRAVE and AMAZING that not a lot of people have the guts to do.  Keep going.  If you truly love what you do, failure is just a building block for really beautiful things to come.  One life, babes. One life. Make it worth living. 

Who are your favorite bloggers or entrepreneurs? 

Let us know who we should add to our list! ;)

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