
Monday, July 6, 2015

Blue Jean Baby

I had a fashion focused conversation with a friend recently and we talked about being given the task of picking one item from our closet to pick and wear forever. While she pondered it for a bit, I answered with no hesitation, choosing my jean jacket. Truthly, I don’t think there’s an article of clothing I get more use out of. Not only (do I feel like) it goes with everything but it’s just one of those pieces that makes me feel like myself...

 I recently wrote about how devastated I was when I lost my original one but my replacement has become equally coveted and it really makes the rounds. It’s been hugged by members of the Nashville cast, spent a gorgeous weekend where I got engaged and helped me keep my sense of Spring, even when it was negative degrees outside.

On that note, I know Lisa feels the same way about her denim jacket and I always admire the way she styles it. Nobody can wear a maxi like this girl and to me, the jacket is always the finishing touch. It's effortless, timeless, comfortable, stylish, endurable and I could go on. Literally, the perfect piece.

Here are a few of our best denim moments:

What is the one item in your closet you would keep forever?

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