
Thursday, July 2, 2015

Top Five 4th of July Traditions

Our annual 4th of July party is one of those traditions that's been happening for so long, we can't even remember life before it. Each year, the excitement begins after the out of office message goes live...the time to sit back and experience a true summer weekend is suddenly right around the corner. 

There are new memories to be made in the north woods (how Pure Michigan is this post, btw? Anyone else feel super relaxed by those ads?) But first, we look back on what makes this holiday one of our favorites...




And we're not the only ones sporting patriotic style...


Our neighborhood initiated a morning parade a few years back and it has been the best way to start our morning ever since. We all wake up early to decorate the golf cart (a typical form of transportation in our association) and head to the parade which is short but fun and festive. 

The fire truck starts and everybody follows on the bikes, carts, or by foot, waving at all the neighbors as we go buy, Plus, as an added bonus, ice cream is served to everyone down by the pier at the's the little things :)


Sparklers, the pinata, bag competitions, bocce ball, pier time, and so on... 
Endless sea breeze consumption not pictured ;)


Most of our holiday weekend is consumed with eating...when we finish breakfast, we're already talking about what time lunch will be and when the s'mores will take place that night. Seriously, it's become a running joke...We walk to and from the lake (which includes an approx. mile walk down AND up a giant, can't breathe steep) just to walk off our endless meals. 

Our gracious hostess and AMAZING cook provides 90% of the delicious eats but a "pot luck" vibe has also developed over the years where everyone brings a dish whether it's an appetizer or a dessert. 

In attempts to maintain some kind of nutrition over the long weekend, Kaitlyn made this watermelon cake last year. Simple, festive and a great combination of sweet and savory with the fruit and nuts.


We end every party by a trip down to the pier around dusk to reserve our seats for fireworks. Our whole neighborhood meets up with blankets and snacks...some watch from their boats, some from comfy lawn chairs or some in the arms of their favorite people. However you choose to view the show, it's always the best way to close out the day. 

We will be watching the sunset, waiting for the fireworks and laughing off our daytime drinking stories and often wondering, does it get any better than this?

What are your 4th of July traditions that you look forward to?

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