I love pattern mixing! I think my favorite part is unexpected pairings gone so right. I was wearing my polka dot blouse and skinny jeans when I walked outside and all of a sudden, the wind hit and I was so cold...I mean, "lets hope I can keep my feet on the ground" type of windy and cold out. I quickly grabbed the closest coat I could find and it happened to be the plaid one Kaitlyn and I share.
It was pattern mixing love at first sight! I went to the local park to take photos and the wind just got worse and worse as you can see below...

Jacket: c/o Sheinside // Blouse: c/o Oasap // Jeans: Old Navy // Boots: c/o Sole Society // Necklace & Earrings: House of Gemmes // Sunnies: Ray Ban
Right after these shots, I ran to my tripod as it was falling over and thank goodness I caught my camera! No more windy photo shoots with a tripod (note to self)! ;)
What do you think of this pairing? How do you mix patterns?
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