Before we got married, I remember my husband telling me, "You should really're in a much better mood when it's warm out." This always sticks with me because it is amazing how much the weather affects my mood. This particular day was the first
day the sun was shining in (what felt like) weeks and it changed my entire
outlook from the moment I woke up. I got out of bed without hitting the snooze (3x or more), spent a little extra time on my hair and makeup, and picked out a bright
look to match my mood. In addition, I took a few of my Dunkin Donut gift cards and stopped for coffee and donuts as a surprise for everyone at the office. SUCH good vibes!
Just because it was a Friday and the weather was ideal, I was much more open to
a positive attitude and spreading the kindness like confetti. Guys, I love Chicago, always have...but for those of you who also call the Midwest home, you can attest to the annual shift in your frame of mind once Spring returns. I feel like we just appreciate it more than those who live in a year round warm climate...sure, part of this is just me being jealous but I also love the collective sigh of relief we can all breathe together when al fresco dining and weekend walks return to our lives. It's something to look forward to...

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