Thursday, August 16, 2012

BISTM: Storage Organization Upgrade

I previously did a tutorial on a good way to store your Because I Shop Too Much items that are for sale in your home. I'm not sure if you have recently checked out my personal closet, but between me and the hubby we have almost 200 items up for sale. That, my friends, is a lot of items to store! The shelves just weren't cutting it any longer so we went with a bit of an upgrade. I headed over to Target and bought a new wardrobe rack, and a deluxe wardrobe rack with shelves. 

Here are the before and after shots:

This works much better! Plus, it gave me a great excuse to clean the heck out of my front room. There are no longer dry cleaned items hanging off my book shelves and now all items are hanging (i.e. less wrinkles) and they have their own place. I think this works better for me, as well as the buyers of my items. Now you all know I take good care of them until they find a new home ;)


What do you think of my storage upgrade? My hubby says I need another room. I say we need to move and then I need an office/closet! ;)

*You may also notice the amount of FriendSwap Bags. Less then 13 sets left for sale. Get yours before they are sold out!



  1. Wow!

  2. This looks awesome! I love your red/white couch! xo

  3. thanks! Love that couch too...even more so now that you can see it again! lol
