Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Because We Had "No Phone Saturday"

Lisa, my Mom, and I have been inspired by an Upworthy video that speaks to the bad habits we've developed because of our constant access to technology. The last time our whole family was together, we looked around the room and realized that even though we were all talking, every single person was also scrolling on their iPhones, which meant none of us was focusing 100% on the conversation.

Our family recently spent a weekend in Wisconsin together and we declared a Saturday challenge: No phones allowed. From 9am-5pm, our phones were in a bowl, out of sight, out of mind. We spent the day sledding, eating, drinking, (more eating), playing games and talking without any beeps from text messages or Instagram notifications. As bloggers, we understand the importance of social media, but moreover, we value time with Family because those are memories you can never limit to 140 characters. 
And what did we find out? 5:00 came and went and nobody even reached for their phone.

Bloody Mary Station -- Or as they were referred to this weekend, "Sledding Marys" (which actually came out "Slutty Marys" after a few)...

All the ingredients you need and more to make your own Panini

Even the pooch found some time to relax -- Ah, the life of Riley

Ready to brave the hill

Running in a winter wonderland

Sisters on Sleds

Remember snow pants? Only a sweet husband could still find you just as attractive in 100 layers

Me & Mini-me

Sledding Selfie!
No makeup, sweatpants and crazy hairThe beginning of an amazing gluten free apple french toast bake -- Did I mention all we did was eat?A-frame with a view
What do you think of our Saturday challenge? Would you be able to part with your phone for a day?


  1. Awesome day, best idea ever, no phone Saturday is the best idea for reconnecting with your loved ones.
    Well spoken and love the pictures. Makes me smile! :) xo

  2. good Challenge!
    Nice post :)

    Xxx Cécile
