I typically cringe when the forecast calls for snow but when it’s a rare Sunday that we have nowhere to be, it’s a whole different feeling. There’s no rush hour mess or a list of of errands to be ran, so it’s easy to remember how you felt about snow as a kid – beautiful and even magical while it silently coats your surroundings. Just stand outside, ankle deep in the fresh blanket, listening to the sound of stillness...No cars, no shoveling (just yet)…only large, stick-out-your-tongue kind of flakes, softly touching the ground. A real life winter wonderland.
It’s so peaceful, making it the perfect setting for a walk with my best four-legged friend...especially since we know there's a warm fire waiting for us at home! I don’t know about your dog but this guy thrives in the white stuff – the minute he's outside, he buries his face deep down and shakes it off, followed by running (more like prancing) around the yard. The joy is so visible in his face...it's as if he's been waiting for this exact moment. Perhaps we can all follow this lead...instead of constant complaining about the dreaded winter, maybe we should just take a moment to prance in it once in awhile ;)
P.S. I've fallen deeply in love with these sunnies. I realize the advantage of shopping on DITTO is the option to rent a new pair whenever you want but I can't seem to let these go. Aviators have always been my favorite style and the colored mirror lenses are so much fun, especially against a bright white background like this. It's the perfect pop of color...so in the classic words of Casper, "Can I keep you?"
If you're interested in falling for this pair or trying other designer frames, use our code SISTERSMARIE to get your first pair free! No obligation after your first pair...You can just try it out once to see what you think.

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