Thursday, March 13, 2014

Intern Talk: Island Life with Rebecca

Living in Hawaii, we don't experience the four seasons.
we have summer.

and while there is hurricane season from june through november, we still are fortunate to have mid 70s-80 degree weather year round. sometimes, early morning and overnight temps can drop to the mid 60s low 70s, which is super chilly, and even dip into the 50s which is holy heck fuh-reezing! i know this is nothing to many of you, but for true locals born and raised here, that's cold.

this is "winter" in hawaii - december

because of our year-round warm weather, there are things that we don't [have to] consider...
like rotating our winter/summer wardrobes, switching up our make-up routines, and even changing the windows on the house (says my brother-in-law who is from minnesota)! it sounds like a lot of work.

peak "summer" sun - may

however, i have been noticing a couple of seasonal things around here recently:
- in the past, i've been able to get away with keeping my few pairs of boots and jackets in my closet all year long. besides, a cold-enough-to-warrant-boots day could come at any time of the year. but as my boot collection grows each year, i'm finding the need to get them out of the way during peak summer months.

- some days my makeup feels great, some days not so much. i never thought that i may need to change up my routine depending on the weather. for example, using a hydrating bb cream or liquid foundation in colder weather?

"fall" in hawaii - september

so tell me...this island girl wants to know! whether it's fashion, beauty, or household related, what are some of the things you have to do to get ready for the next season? what are your tips for a smooth transition from season to season?

Let me know in the comments below or visit me here!


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