
Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Kaitlyn's Blogging Bloopers: Volume 9

What makes you laugh? I'm talking the out loud, holding your stomach, slapping your knee kind of happiness. For me, it's never been the "typical" things that seem to please the masses...aka bad Kevin Hart/Adam Sandler comedies and overly crude bathroom humor. Instead, it's things like overly dry humor, silly dog memes, early 90's flicks and my high school favorite, Homestar Runner. Anyone else used to watch that cartoon? It's completely ass backwards, makes no sense and that's just why I enjoy it. I also appreciate the cheesiest kinds of humor...puns specifically, which is why I look forward to curating clever headlines for marketing pieces at my job.

So, let's see how I do with another round of blooper captions...

She's Bag at it Again...

"So, you think you're really pretty?"

"You think I'm goorrrgeous....You want to to kissss me...You want to daate me."

Simon Says Stripes are Always in Style

Snap Snap, We're Missing the Good Light...

Confirming...Yep, these boots WERE made to double as weapons.

Thank you very much, Mr. Roboto...

Daydream Believer/ Faker

Have any perfect captions for these shots?
Stop by Friday for Lisa's next installment of Bloopers!

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